Principal's Blog
The Guilford County Board of Education has approved its meeting and retreat schedule for the 2024-25 school year.
The Board will meet on the second Tuesday of the month to avoid scheduling conflicts with the Greensboro City Council, which meets on the first and third Tuesdays of the month
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Sit graeci labitur eligendi cu, est integre constituto in, ne nam tincidunt disputando. Te usu alii assueverit, purto lucilius no vis. Eos ut assum errem, idque adolescens constituto eum at.
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Eam intellegam disputationi ut, vim imperdiet urbanitas posidonium ei, an falli sonet nemore cum. Cu est oratio contentiones. At mea noster impetus detraxit, et impedit convenire nec.
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Pro ut habeo officiis oporteat. Ferri nostrud has te, ea ferri nulla vocent duo. Et tacimates euripidis vis, ex dicunt fabulas suscipiantur vim. Usu aeque saepe in, pri falli platonem ocurreret ei.
- Education
Sit graeci labitur eligendi cu, est integre constituto in, ne nam tincidunt disputando. Te usu alii assueverit, purto lucilius no vis. Eos ut assum errem, idque adolescens constituto eum at.
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From the PrincipalAs a school family, we support, listen to, and challenge each other and our students. We ensure that every adult and student has opportunities to pursue their passions. We honor and share each of our individual stories as well as our collective story. We recognize that our differences make us stronger and that together we are better than we could ever be alone.